Service Area

Northwestern Legal Services serves Cameron, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Mercer, McKean, Potter, Venango, and Warren County residents at or below the federal poverty line — or nearly 100,000 out of the more than 650,000 people (over 15 percent) living in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Most attorneys charge at least $100 an hour for their expertise, a figure many of our local citizens cannot simply afford. As a nonprofit law firm, NWLS helps relieve the financial burden of obtaining legal services.


People Served
Last year, NWLS handled cases for 6,998 residents.
2022-23 Earnings
NWLS attorneys and legal aides obtained nearly 1.3 million dollars for their clients.
Public Benefits
Our staff averaged over $43,000 a month in awards for our clients between UC benefits, SSI, and public benefits.
Hours Logged
Time is money and we've saved our clients millions in attorney fees with over 42,000 hours worked on their behalf.

Our Services

Telephone Advice
NWLS offers legal advice by phone for a variety of legal issues.
Clinics for Clients
NWLS attorney-conducted custody classes providing guidance on filing a pro se action.

Direct Representation
NWLS provides direct legal representation for eligible clients and cases.
Pro Bono
Pro-bono representation through partnered private attorneys.